The Milwaukee Monarchs are hosting open tryouts for the 2025 team at the Milwaukee Yard (7727 Longwater Drive, Oak Creek, WI 53154):
Sunday January 5th from 7:30 am to 11:30 am
Interested athletes are invited to attend, however, if you are unable to attend, please email to discuss alternative options.
To confirm your participation, please complete this registration form.
This year, we will be using a sliding scale for registration fees. This model is attributed to Both/And and Resource Generation.
Please review How to Place Yourself on Our Sliding Scale to determine which rate to pay. This ticket represents a REDISTRIBUTION RATE
Redistribution Rate ($50) - Redistribution means ‘paying your fair share’ for individuals who have had structural advantage and access to wealth. This rate helps to offset for individuals who pay the Solidarity Rate.
Full Rate ($35) - This rate represents the ‘true cost’ at which we would break even after paying our expenses.
Solidarity Rate ($15) - This rate is an attempt to be in solidarity with individuals who are surviving. We recognize that in some cases this rate may still not be accessible, and we encourage anyone to get in touch if that is the case
Additional Information:
You must be 18 or older by 1/5/2025 to participate.